Friday, February 13, 2009


Today marks Noah's six week birthday and we couldn't be happier. Noah is officially allowed to go out and see the world now that he has passed 6 weeks. (His pediatrician told us to keep him home for the first six weeks with it being cold/flu season.) So, start expecting to see him out and about exploring new things!! I couldn't be happier because now it is time to show him off! ;)

Also today, for the first time we noticed that Noah will stare at mommy and daddy from a distance. He was sitting in his swing and I looked over and realized he was staring at me!! When I turned to look back at him he gave me a great big smile!! There is nothing more rewarding then to see your child smile when he sees your face! I love it!! Here are a few pictures we took to try to capture the moment, although by the time we got the camera out he wasn't cheesing quite as much! ;)

*Prayer Request: Please pray for Baby Rylan-He was born on February 10th and soon after starting having seizures. He is still having seizures and is in Pediatric ICU having tests ran. Please pray for his mom and dad too. Thanks!

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