We arrived Friday night and Daniel and I enjoyed having sushi with some of the fam while Noah's Grandma Joan watched him for us in the hotel. Saturday morning Daniel woke up feeling very sick. Turns out he had food poisoning.....a very serious case of it in fact. So we spent Saturday not at the graduation but a combination of being in the hotel room while poor Daniel was resting and making runs to the bathroom and then because one time he didn't quite make it to the bathroom we left the hotel and spent the afternoon at the park while Daniel layed in the grass trying to make it through. It was an incredibly long day and very crazy trip but I have to say after all of that...I think we can definitely go just about anywhere and pull through. lol. We did have great help from all of Daniel's family which really did bring us through...we are so thankful...it was a struggle trying to help Daniel and tend to Noah at the same time so they were extremely helpful! I was quite nervous about taking Noah overnight for the first time not knowing what will come...boy did we learn a lot!! lol! 

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