Noah had his two month old check up today!! He now weighs a whopping 12lbs., 14oz. and is 23in. tall!! He also had his first shots today and it was quite heartbreaking! He cried, of course, and so did I...but we are both so glad they are over!
He also had quite an adventure today.....I took him out for the first time by myself and we ran all kinds of errands and even got to visit Julia, Luke and Caroline for a little while! Just wanted to update everyone on his last doctor's visit. I hope you all enjoy the warm weather ahead!
Rylan turns 2!
14 years ago
He's such a cutie!!!
I'm glad he is thriving so well. Now that we are enjoying this warm weather I'm glad you took the opportunity to get out and about. It is good for both of you.
my goodness, Noah is just adorable. the first shots are always the hardest. But it is a protection for him so it is necessary. They get over things faster than we do. Just one of the small bumps along the road of his life. Love you all, aunt debi
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