Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Eight Months!!!

WOW is all I can say!!...that and maybe some tears to little baby boy is not so little anymore!! I know I say this every month but he really has changed soooo much!! He is basically crawling now...just not very far...anyday now he is going to jet across the room...I am just waiting for it!! And we found yesterday that he has two teeth coming in!!!! One has already broke through the gums (which means so far so good on the whole teething thing...we didn't even know it!...we are crossing our fingers that this continues!). The teeth are both on the bottom in the cute!!!

Today we went for a is a beautiful day...I am so ready for the fall season to be here! We also played in the backyard on a blanket for a while..Noah really enjoyed it!! Here are some pics...